Wednesday, May 6, 2020

William Shakespeare s Hamlet - 3075 Words

Ojomo Minott 3/17/15 ENG 102-007 Professor Hayes Hamlet Research Paper To Kill Or Not To Kill [A Mockingbird]? Quintessentially speaking, revenge is a thing that many have sought in response to a tragic event unfolding. Typically, as a result, vengeance is contemplated upon by the victim as a means of retribution, a way of making things right and seeking justice on the behest of the victim, if the law will not grant justice through due process due to corrupt forces stemmed deep within it- corrupt seeds of a corrupt plant. Therefore, revenge become an apparent option for those willing to walk that path [of no return]. However, instances of revenge not being attained in the â€Å"clear cut† way it is ordinarily acquired have occurred from†¦show more content†¦At the time of Claudius’s induction as king, Hamlet was away at school in Wittenberg. The country was in crisis and in dire need of a king at the time, so rather than elect Hamlet, the rightful heir to the throne, the nobility with the authority to do so, collectively decided to elect Claudius rather than Hamlet; bel ieving that Claudius would be better composed to lead Denmark throughout this crisis- more smoothly than Hamlet would- in his current state of grief. Upon his return, rather than contesting the throne, Hamlet does not seek it. Instead, he is seemingly content with the notion- at first glance, silently rageful about his father’s death as well as the fact that Claudius seemingly has replaced his father in both his mother’s bed [room] and his position on the throne as king. Another reason why Hamlet delays in attaining his revenge against Claudius is because he apparently does not want to face the consequences of regicide- the act of killing a king. Hamlet is a very thought driven person- perhaps too much so. One prime example of Hamlet’s thoughtful nature showing itself a bit too much, in my opinion, occurs when he formulates that if he were to kill Claudius off the mere word of a ghost (that only he has seen and communicated with), then he will be perceived as an insane murderer by the masses, driven to his actions merely by [his] mad pursuit of the throne and also possibly insane due to him

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