Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Penalty Is Not An Effective Form Of Punishment...

The death penalty has been used for 2000 years and had only been brought to light to be abolished after the Second World War and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was only until the 1980s where many countries had started to abolish the death penalty. This essay will cover why the death penalty is not an effective form of punishment by looking at deterrence/recidivism, rehabilitation and incarceration as well as human rights. The punishment theories of incapacitation, deterrence and ‘just deserts’ will also be discussed in relation to the death penalty. As the abolition of the death penalty was only made apparent after the Universal Declaration of Human rights and the Second World War, many countries after the 1980s had started to abolish the death penalty due to international treaties being drafted to make it all happen. Now the death penalty is forbidden in countries which are â€Å"abolitionist for all crimes† such as Europe, South Africa, Argentina and Venezuela but is â€Å"abolitionist for ordinary crimes only† in countries such as Brazil, Chile and Israel where the death penalty is used for exceptional crimes (Anckar, 2014). Other countries are â€Å"abolitionist de-facto† which means they have not executed anyone during the past ten years and have obliged to not use the death penalty. The choice of countries to use the death penalty or not is influenced by international actors and governments of other countries (Anckar, 2014). Most legal systems presume that the threatShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Is Not The Most Effective Form Of Punishment1824 Words   |  8 PagesThe death penalty is not the most effective form of punishment for criminals. The death penalty is hypocritical; it condemns killing by killing people. 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